вторник, 7 августа 2012 г.

Why Dumbledore is better than Gandalf? Few of the main reasons.

Why Dumbledore is better than Gandalf?
Yeah, really. Why it is to be assumed even right?
While you may be the fan of both Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Harry Potter franchise (as I am one of those simultaneous fans), it is highly recommended for all HP and Lotr heads to cool off now and calmly discuss the real comparison.

Now, right from the start - facts.
Gandalf the Grey (going later to become Gandlaf the White) - is one of the main protagonists of the Lord of the Rings, and the most powerful figure on the side of Good. Just like our favorite school headmaster ever, Hogwarts' Albus Bryan Wulfrick Dumbledore was through all 7 books. The power of light, the strength of knowledges. They both digged that.

But who of them knows more? About equal too, I'd presume. For Gandalf being the most advanced magician of the Middle Earth, and Albus Dumbledore being the best student and the strongest wizard in centuries, if not milleniums. Both kicked some serious ass.

Go on. Both are the mentors and guides for their followers.
Like when Gandalf the Grey guides the whole fellowship of the ring towards destroying it (the ring, not the fellowship) - being the voice of reason, knowledge and comfort, and not for Frodo only - but for all his companions indeed.
Albus Dumbledore, on the very same hand - made the life more confident and protected not only for his school and all students, but for all fellow professors and the Harry Potter himself. Harry mostly looked up to Dumbledore on advises, at very least - as even rivals often did with Dumbledore's wiseness.

Now, down to the egoism part.
Both Dumbledore's and Gandalf's acts, descibed by many as the exact egoism, are not to be counted like such - by me and all acknowledging the stories and results of it.
Dumbledore died himself to give Harry the chance to destroy Voldemort - not an egoism by far. Because Dumbledore died too - thus not being selfish to just sacrifice Harry Potter only. Gandalf not only followed the same amount of risks, as all of four (five with Bilbo) Hobbits, but even tried to talk out them of the whole journey participation when consulting with Elrond of Rivendeil.

The Loving part.
Both thought of it very highly and crucially, yet did not find any love for themselves in their lives. As Dumbledore loved Harry, Hermione and Ron, as well Gandalf the Grey and White loved Bilbo, Frodo and all of the Hobbits -finding back only the platonic love. I mean, from anyone.

The resilience to evil of both Albus and Gandalf made it possible for those conclusions of the Books we all know and love to happen at all.

And finally - the obvious part - why Dumbledore and Gandalf look alike? Maybe, you just see the long white beard and height, and that's it?

Thus, Why Dumbledore is better than Gandalf? I don't know. Or better would be to assume, of what I do know - I know, that they are both equally good written and acting, legendary characters of the most epic novels in the literary history.

But the battle is to be continued in the comments by JK. Rowling and JRR. Tolkien fans, right?





